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"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.' ” – John 7:38

Pastor John’s
Ministry at Arcadia Community Church

Rev. John M. Scholte, M.Div., has his ordination in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and serves as the Senior Pastor of Arcadia Community Church (PCUSA). For more information about Arcadia Community Church please visit the website


Pastor John began his ministry at Arcadia Community Church in October 2021. Together the church and Pastor John are pursuing a five-year Healthy Church Strategic Plan to assist in reaching the ministry’s mission and vision.


Our Mission: Welcoming people on a spiritual journey to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


Our Vision: To introduce people to Jesus and together grow in spiritual maturity through Biblically-based worship, teaching, serving and sharing, and to spread the love and grace of Jesus Christ as the Holy Spirit leads us, to our members, visitors, community, and world.

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